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Watch & empower your flows

October 23, 2023

Hi folks! Last month's discovery for me — is that our body is a flowful system, and we tune these flows, and as feedback, they influence us continuously...

I'm sure there are no doubts — our body is a system where energy flows. Yeah, you can call it neurons, electrical impulses, prana, energy, or whatever you want — and yes, there is a flow.


And the flow pathways today for you as it is — they have their bottlenecks you formed before and their highways, where the flow is free to move.

From these three points of view — this picture makes the same sense:

Common medicine

For example — in veins, when there are flow restrictions, the problem then a lot of diseases come, new issues arise, and people tend to get circulation back.

So, the natural intention — is to keep the flow running.



It is no secret that this terminology always uses the word "flow," the flow of prana, the energy, and many other substances that have to flow, and if you have any blockages — you have problems in your physical and spiritual life.

I had experienced that myself — when you solve the blockage, you see, feel, and experience this world differently.

And you become more open, the openness — a gift, which is possible only when it flows...


Wing Chun

This is my passion, that's why I could mention it here. ☺️

The idea of Wing Chun — is the relaxation of your body that can get you access to any part of you when you need it.

Here is a quote from the famous Wing Chun family guy:


And the opening leads to the flow, access, and ability to employ that in a way you want to.

and what?

That is the funny part — you are responsible for your own flows and all the problems they cause and for letting them dissolve and regain circulation.

When you do not express your emotions, your feelings, when you suppress them — you harm your flows.

All the suppressions, stress, and anxiety will settle on your body as tension tightens your "pipes," your pathways for the circulation of the thing you believe is moving there. It is settled on the fascia, and there is a specific place in your body for every emotion.

For example — FEAR is always in your belly; you can regain your memories of when you were fearful to see that.

This is already a scientifically proven fact.


Again and again — it looks like the message is the same:

Be Yourself and enjoy the life!